Recently, Reggie Evans, an NBA player known for down and dirty antics on the court did something you only usually see in sports like hockey or bare-knuckle boxing. Evans was positioning himself for a rebound when Charlotte Bobcats player, Michael Kidd-Gilchrest’s forehead smashed into Evan’s mouth.
Imagine for a moment the jarring impact of an enormously large NBA player crashing into your face. A close-to-200 lb. giant moving through the air only to be stopped short by your grill. Most other folks would probably stop what they were doing, perhaps by being unconscious, but not this guy. He actually walked over to the scorer’s table and placed his tooth on the table. We’re unsure if that constitutes an extra point, but maybe he can autograph it later.
So in effect, after being surface-to-air head butted, he then pauses only briefly to rip out the then loosened tooth and gets back into the game. The referee and the medical first responder made him soak up the blood with a towel for a couple minutes but then he went back to playing.
Losing a tooth and then resuming play without any real medical attention doesn’t happen often in any sport. Even hockey players call it quits and head towards the Novocain. Now, hopefully no one will head butt you, but accidents happen. Having a tooth knocked out is pretty common. Anyone with kids knows this.
It’s a good thing that Dr. Hall has extensive training in dental implants. Although accidents are unavoidable, replacing your smile’s appearance with a good dental implant isn’t. It’s the closest you’ll ever get to having your real tooth again so make the right choice and let Dr. Hall restore your smile with a dental implant at his Colorado Springs dental office. You’re probably not going to get away with saying, “Yeah, I lost my tooth and I made a few hundred thousand dollars doing it.”